#078: Hurt Feelings, Honesty & Forgiveness

#078: Hurt Feelings, Honesty & Forgiveness

This week, Jeff, DW, Jason and Terra Kay share thoughts about Mo’ne Davis’ example of forgiveness and how to respond to people who say things that you disagree strongly with. In a day where social media has revolutionized inter- and intrapersonal relationships, often times we don’t say what we mean or even mean what we say. Also, feel free to share your sketch of us on the Tweetback!

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#066: End Slavery

#066: End Slavery

Note: This show may be sensitive for younger listeners.

sarah and terraJanuary is National Slavery & Human Trafficking Prevention Month. Tonight, Jeff & DW welcome Terra Kay back and she’s bringing friends! Sarah Boes from More Precious Than Rubies joins the Hope Panel on the show to talk about the realities of human trafficking and modern-day slavery this week. Today marks National Human Trafficking Prevention Day and campaigns across the country took to the streets and social media to bring the conversation to the forefront.

The TweetBack is always live and we’d love your voice in the conversation! We retweet!


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The Facts

Human trafficking is a form of modern-day slavery. This crime occurs when a trafficker uses force, fraud or coercion to control another person for the purpose of engaging in commercial sex acts or soliciting labor or services against his/her will.

Red Flags for Trafficking (moreprecious.org)


I want more info on how I can get involved.

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Links & Resources

Damascus Road Project

Damascus Road is dedicated to fighting the evil of human trafficking and sexual exploitation. We are committed to bring awareness through education, restoring and empowering the abused and advocating for the prevention and abolition of human trafficking.

More Precious Than Rubies

An organization that reaches, serves, & equips women in the sex industry in the Green Bay Area.

National Human Trafficking Resource Center Hotline (NHTRC)

100% Anonymous! 1-888-373-7888 | Text HELP to BeFree (233733) | Email

More resources on our NSHTP page

10 Things Your Son Wants to Hear From You

10 Things Your Son Wants to Hear From You

1. I Love You, No Matter What

Let your son know you love him unconditionally. Emphasize that he does not need to be good, successful, or smart for you to love him.

2. I Respect You

Your son deserves respect too. You will teach your son a lot about respecting other people’s values and boundaries, when you show him respect. Mutual respect is key to a strong relationship with your son.

3. I’m Here For You

Be supportive in his decisions, as long as it is not something that will cause him harm. There are many adults living with resentment and regret because their parents did not support their dreams and goals.

4. I Am Listening

Listen without judgement or criticism. Listen with out self-referencing.  You don’t need to relate or like what he is saying. Just listen.

5. You Brighten My Day!

Let your son know how much joy he brings into your life. Show him that he is a blessing.

6. I Believe in You

Tell him what unique qualities you admire. Support his strengths, dreams and goals.

7. Tell Me More

Be inquisitive in a good way. Show enthusiasm when he is speaking. Use your tone and body language to show you are paying attention. Be curious about what he is saying.

8. I Want To Understand

Let your son know when you do not understand what he is going through. Ask him to explain and elaborate. Don’t jump to conclusions and attack his character.

9. Thank You!

Show gratitude for the little things. Thank him for helping out.

10. Let Me Help You

Your son may not always ask for help, even if he needs it. If your son needs help, be there with your love and encouragement.


What are some others?

Original post: Raising Great Men

#041: Be the Dad You Wish You Had

#041: Be the Dad You Wish You Had

Happy Father’s Day to all our dads who listen to HopeNet Radio! How often have you heard the words from a guy you know who has  young children say, “I just want to be the dad that I wish I had”? I’ve heard this phrase often. So many men today are growing up without dads that it’s alarming. Why do you think so many dads are confused about what it means to be a dad?

Discussed on the Show

The importance of dads & men who mentor teens. (Consider becoming a Live Coach on the crisis chatline.)

When dads fall short. Dads make mistakes, too.

John 9: The blind man’s family – “Who has sinned?” -Disciples

Does God create people with a predisposition to be depressed or suicidal?


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#036: Real Life Moms

#036: Real Life Moms

Tonight’s episode of HopeNet Radio is all about moms! Happy Mother’s Day to moms out there. Jeff, Dave, Kyle and Todd welcome Sandy Hartman to the show tonight to talk to a real-life mom about real-life challenges being a mom.

Some rad things about Sandy:

She picked out her husband in a yearbook.
She has officially played Flappy Bird.
She always has a smile and her laugh is infectious.
She is a mom to kids of her own and is hosting a foreign exchange student.

Farewell, Kylekyle dave todd

Tonight is Kyle’s last episode with us. Recently engaged, Kyle will be moving back home to Illinois. It has been well-established that Kyle is a Bears fan, but regardless, we’re going to miss him on the show. Keep your ears peeled, he may make a cameo in future episodes. Gonna miss you, bro!


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