#097: Creating More Emotional Margin In Life

#097: Creating More Emotional Margin In Life

Burnout. The point of emotional emptiness. Is there a way to make it through life without giving up because of burnout? Creating emotional margin in your life is the first step. Jeff and Dave have some ideas and hope you will start to live with more to give.

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The Notes

When we are emotionally resilient, we can confront our problems with a sense of hope and power. -Richard Swenson, Margin: Restoring Emotional, Physical, Financial and Time Reserves to Overloaded Lives

[Tweet ” Life isn’t always smooth sailing. The bigger the upset, the more margin you need. #HNRTB “]
Emotional margin generally takes more time than physical or mental margin, but it should still be an important factor in what you undertake.

In the midst of it, I didn’t give myself emotional margin and tried to carry on as if nothing happened. That didn’t work, and I eventually shut down to essentials. And I didn’t handle those as well as I thought I did, either, which added to the stress and turmoil. Needless to say, none of my planned projects got done this summer.

Pace yourself better. Check out this post at the Simple Productivity Blog.


In order to be a good leader one must:

  1. Understand that there is a God and they are not Him.
  2. Understand there is a plan and it is not theirs.
  3. Understand that the real problem in life is sin and that I am the sinner and all I deal with are sinners and have the same problem and same solution.
  4. Responded to God’s invitation and accept His gift of life offered through His son Jesus.
  5. Understand that “time and chance” have more to do with success that skill, rhetoric and manipulation and that God is the one who controls the time and chance.
  6. Abide with God, Delight in His Word
  7. Desires to put flesh on the plans and desires of God.
  8. Desires to be put in a position to make others successful.

Leadership is really not an arrangement, it is a relationship. It is about following God and what is right and doing so in public. It is about making those around us successful

Forgiveness plays a big part in maintaining strong emotional margin

Have you ever noticed how much stress you hold on to when you choose not to forgive someone? Unforgiveness, resentment, bitterness… these all wear away at our emotional health until we have expunged it all. Here is a simple assessment from Ron Edmondson to see whether you have some unforgiveness eroding at your emotional margin.

The first thought test.

When the first thought you have about them is not the injury they caused in your life you have probably extended forgiveness. You should be able to have normal thoughts about the person occasionally. Remember, you are dropping the right to get even — the grudge you held against them.

An opportunity to help them test.

Ask yourself: Would you help them if you knew they were in trouble and you had the ability? Most likely this is someone you once cared about — perhaps even loved. You would have assisted them if they needed help at one point. While I’m not suggesting you would subject yourself to abuse or further harm, or that you are obligated to help them, or even you should, but would you in your heart want to see them prosper or would you still want to see them come to harm? This is a huge test of forgiveness. CONTINUE READING

Bottom Line

You need emotional margin. If you find yourself worn out and feeling like you’re on the verge of burnout, the best thing you can do is to go to someone you know you can trust and share these feelings. We don’t get to that point by accident. In fact, many giving people will neglect their own self-care because they’re so caught up in the pressing matters of another’s life. Take 15 minutes every day to assess your emotional margin. Are you giving too much? Are you not pouring into relationships enough and withdrawing? Balance in life is a fleeting pursuit. Instead, make each day its own. Routine is good. Setting up your day with emotional margin is also wise.

#096: When Your Life Needs Margin

You’re likely about to enter one of the busiest weeks of your life. You might not even be hitting the books for another busy school semester, but you could be. Either way, the thought of tomorrow could be either energizing or terrifying. This week, Jeff and DW welcome back Todd (yes, that Todd!) to talk about what to do when you feel spread thin.

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The Notes

Have you been at a place where you feel like life is swallowing you up? Here are 3 ways to help you keep the joy through the chaos.

5 Tests to Determine If You’ve Forgiven Someone


#069: Redefining Beauty

#069: Redefining Beauty

Beauty. Six letters that hold so much weight on young women today. This week, Jeff and Dave sit down with Kris and Lisa – two women whose desire is to help young women find beauty through God’s eyes. Society puts so much pressure on young women to “be beautiful” with their airbrushed models plastered in every magazine and billboard. In fact, 69% of girls in 5th-12th grade reported that magazine pictures influenced their idea of a perfect body shape. (source) Is your view of beauty only skin deep?

No girl should feel the need to be someone they aren’t to be considered beautiful. You are beautiful because you’re you. Remind someone of this today.

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Wolf River Refuge
In God’s Eye Event (Mar 27-29)
Meet teens on a mission to redefine beauty | USA Today



[Tweet “”We have to teach our young men how to recognize beauty.” -Steve #HNRTB”]

[Tweet “No girl should feel the need to be someone they aren’t to be considered beautiful.”]


Who Controls You?

Who Controls You?

Here’s a list of the things that I’ve found have controlled me at some point in my life.



Seemingly obvious, money does influence many people, especially those in decision-making positions of leadership. When Jesus said that we can’t serve both God and mammon (money), He wasn’t kidding. We do stupid things for a couple bucks.



No matter what age you are, many would have a hard time disappointing Mom and Dad over something small. You might even hear your Mom’s voice in your head before making an important decision. Those who labored to raise us have tremendous weight in our lives. And some of us never grow up because of it.



What would you do for love? The truth is, we’re all looking for love and meaningful relationships in life. And when we find them, we don’t want to fail them. And sometimes, we allow ourselves to be ruled by a few significant relationships in life. You might even have made a few important choices based on what a couple of these friends were doing at the time. Relationships can be a great thing in our life. It can also be the source of the biggest pain we can ever know in this world. And when we get disappointed by one of them, it can be tramatic.


My Past

This ties in with the last one a little. You let your past control who you become. History does have a way of repeating and we often end up making the same mistakes more than once in life. Some people have a really difficult time letting go of what the past was. And I’m not just talking about past failures or pains. I’m also talking about success. We can really fixate on significant moments in our past to define who we become in life. This is not good. But it’s a reality.


Social Acceptance

Want to disappoint everyone? Try winning the approval of everyone and you’ve found the secret. That’s right. Seeking approval from everyone will eventually lead to disappointment and despair. So, what can we do? Disappoint a few people just to win a few others’ approval? Maybe. But then you’ll feel guilty for letting the others down. It’s a miserable cycle.


Anger & Emotions

It’s truly amazing and disturbing to see the world events escalate based on a few people’s angry emotions. Anger does something to a person that can easily become contagious and spread like a wildfire. Get a bunch of angry people together, and watch a riot break out. One decision rooted in anger can change the course of your life or someone else’s life in an instant. Do not let your anger rule you.


The Spirit

There’s only one thing that I’ve allowed to control me that has produced strong, life-changing, positive results in my life. Namely, surrendering to the Holy Spirit. Every other thing on this list has left me feeling more insecure, lonely, inadequate or… angry. The Spirit works from the inside-out. Most everything else works opposite that to try to change our circumstances. And none are permanent changes. The others are cyclical and temporary. Learn more about the Spirit in your life today.

#042: A Happier Place?

#042: A Happier Place?

Why do we struggle with happiness today? Americans have so much in the ways of technology, education, material wealth, entertainment outlets that it should seem we have nothing more to do, but be happy all the time. But so many of us are not. Depression, self-harm, drug and substance abuse are just some of the things we hear about often in our culture. Why is this? Tonight, Jeff asks the question, “With all that we have available to us in America, why is this not a happier place?”

Discussed on the Show

Q: If I gave you one thing that would make you happy, what would it be?

Q: Why is it that we are not always happy?

Q: What does it take to be truly happy in life?

Story: Did you know that God had cake delivered to one of His prophets? Read about Elijah in 1 Kings 19.

Thought: Do something meaningful this summer!

Levels of communication

7 Reasons you Struggle with Happiness


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#029: On Death & Life

#029: On Death & Life

It’s the reality that every living person has to accept at one point in life – death. Tonight, Terra Koslowski joins Jeff and Dave to talk about one of the topics few are willing to discuss for any length of time. Death is real. How should we talk about it? Is there any hope in the midst of all this pain?

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