#013: Life In Spite of Me: Kristen Jane Anderson

#013: Life In Spite of Me: Kristen Jane Anderson

lifeinspiteofmebookKristen Jane Anderson sits down with Jeff and Dave to share her story of tragedy and hope on HopeNet Radio. Kristen attempted to take her life at age 17, but God had other plans.

Overwhelmed by wave after wave of emotional trauma, Kristen Anderson no longer wanted to live. One January night, determined to end her pain once and for all, the seventeen-year-old lay across train tracks not far from her home and waited to die. Her story of surviving her suicide attempt is documented in her book, Life In Spite of Me: Extraordinary Hope After a Fatal Choice.

Parents, this is a good show to talk about with your kids.

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#007: Dear Me Letters

#007: Dear Me Letters

#007: Dear Me Letters

by HopeNet Radio | Podcast

Who’s on this episode?

Jeff Strommen @jstrommen
Dave Wager @wagerdaw

Tonight on HopeNet Radio, Jeff & Dave read your “Dear Me” letters and share their own. Plus, we’re opening up the conversation that will continue into next week about where all the good men have gone. Good men are hard to come by today. It seems every man is falling to pornography and addictions of all kinds. Many are hesitant to lead and are withdrawn from the family life. Something has to change. What does it mean to be a good man today? It’s time for our men to “man up” and realize our God-given responsibilities. Plus your emails, comments & tweets!

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#007: Dear Me Letters

Dear Me


Alright guys and gals! Dave and I have this idea that we hope you’ll help us out with for an upcoming episode of HopeNet Radio. It’s called the Dear Me letter project. Simply, write a letter to yourself (or your BFF) from the heart. It could be made up of funny memories, best pieces of advice people have told you or just stuff you wish people said more often to you. The letter can be as long or as short as you want it to be.

This is more than a show. I believe words are powerful and can be the different between life and death. Your letters are more than words on paper. They bring life and encouragement.



Want to submit a letter? Your letter can be anonymous if you put anonymous in the subject line. If we read your letter on air, we’ll enter you into a drawing from the Q90 FM Prize Bin! Please share this article with your friends and have them send a letter as well.

Please submit letters by October 2nd!


To submit your Dear Me letter, email it to us! (Preferably MS Word or PDF)

#001: Stories: What’s Yours?

#001: Stories: What’s Yours?

#001: Stories: What's Yours?

by HopeNet Radio | Podcast

Who’s on this episode?

Jeff Strommen @jstrommen
Dave Wager @wagerdaw

HopeNet Radio debut show! Everybody has a story. We’ve all gone through struggles and some of us have been to hell and back when it comes to life situations. We’re not glorifying those events or maybe how we’ve handled it poorly tonight, but rather laying the foundation to what is going to be able to sustain you through any difficulty, failure, or seemingly impossible situation in life.

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Show Notes

Was there ever a time in your life where you lost hope? What happened? How did you find hope again?
Is hope essential to a person’s life? Why or why not?
Where do people find hope today? What gives you meaning to wake up every day?

Question, Persuade, Refer (QPR) Training

Nicolet Bible Institute

Silver Birch Ranch

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All new HopeNet Radio debut!

All new HopeNet Radio debut!

HopeNet Radio with Jeff Strommen & Dave Wager makes its debut this Sunday on Q90 FM in Wisconsin! This week is all about introductions. Have you ever met someone for the first time and made a horrible first impression completely by accident? I guess, you could make a fool of yourself on purpose, but who does that?! In studio with us are two students from Nicolet Bible Institute, Kyle and Todd. They’ll be chiming in, too.

UPDATE: We’ve got the first show up to listen online!

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This was a great show. Would you share your story with us? We’re asking 2 questions:


What’s your biggest success(es) in life?

What’s your biggest struggle you’ve had to overcome or are working to overcome in life?


Let us know!

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