by Jeff | Feb 28, 2016
Who’s on this episode?
Jeff Strommen @jstrommen | Dave Wager @wagerdaw | Jason Kemper @kempster220
You are who you surround yourself with. In other words, who you hang with will determine who you become. This is the first part in the Building A True Community series.
The Book of Malachi is full of examples of what a troubled community looks like. Today, we see many examples of broken communities. People steal, kill and destroy all around us. Is there any hope of restoration in our communities and families? What will it take to get back to normal?
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Show Notes
Coming soon…
Thanks for listening. If you like it, share it! Feel free to leave some thoughts in the comments. -J
by Jeff | Feb 14, 2016
Who’s on this episode?
Jeff Strommen @jstrommen | Dave Wager @wagerdaw
Episodes in this series: BAM Part 1 | BAM Part 2 | BAM Part 3 | BAM Part 4
Building an atmosphere of mentoring involves the things we say and do. On this episode, Jeff and Dave discuss the opportunity mentors can use to “fire up” those around them. A great mentor is like a fire tender. They know how to make sure the fire doesn’t become destructive or flame out. Like a fire is dynamic, so is mentoring. There are ups that downs. There are times where the fire is steady and it doesn’t need more wood or oxygen. There are times when the fire needs more or less of those things depending on the situation.
One specific tool mentors use is their words. What we say, when we say it and how we say it matters. And we get to control the words we use! Listen in as Jeff and Dave continue this series of building an atmosphere of mentoring.
Become A Coach | One area that needs mentors is on our live coaching lines. Are you 18+? Want to give a young person a few hours a week simply by being online and available? Check out our coaching page to learn about becoming a coach with our partner,
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Show Notes
DW. | Sabbath
The idea: Sabbath was given to us not just as a day of rest like many believe, but also as a day of relationship. This day was established to be one where families could intentionally instill value into one another. And they did this in some significant ways. Husbands would honor their wives in front of the group. By honoring, they would recommit their desire to love them and serve them. Maybe they would give gifts or do something that would show honor to them. Likewise, the parents would bless their kids. They would speak life over them, affirming them and their qualities or personal abilities.
Affirmation. Honor. Significant, meaningful time clear of distractions and “busyness”. These are the keys to making this day meaningful. What would happen if families used this example as a template for a couple hours 1 day a week? Would our family life be different today? Would communities be different? Will our country change?
How do we encourage as mentors?
- Words. Affirm the truth and debunk myths or lies they believe about themselves or others. Genuine, honest feedback is valuable to anyone. It doesn’t mean you’ll always like what they have to say. But the last thing any of us need are more empty words or empty promises. Let’s raise the expectation that we can all be honest and truthful, even if it hurts me or the other person’s feelings. Let’s create a culture of honesty, honor, generosity, and humility.
- No words. Active listening can be a greater encouragement to someone. Remember, not everyone coming to you with an issue is looking for you to solve it.
- Acts of generosity. This is done in a variety of ways using our time, talent or treasure. Generous people are people you want to be around.
What other ways can you think of?
The difference between empty flattery and solid encouragement
by Jeff | Dec 20, 2015
On this episode
Jeff Strommen @jstrommen | Dave Wager @wagerdaw | Jason @kempster220
‘Tis the season of giving. This podcast is available because of the generous support from people like you who want to share hope with the world. Would you give to support the work of HopeNet Radio?
I’ll Give!
Everybody’s getting into the festive Christmas spirit, it seems. Well… everyone except a lot of people. Christmastime is different for many people. For many, it is a time of joy surrounded by the warmth of the love shared with those around them. It can also be a sharp reminder of incredible pain. The empty chairs at Christmastime is our way of talking about the things that bring the most pain around this year’s Christmas dinner table and how we can walk through the pain to reach the joy and hope that seems most foreign.
By the way, if you’re feeling especially burdened at this time of year, don’t hesitate to reach out to one of our live coaches and talk about the pain.
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Refugee Welcome Kit
Show Notes
The 5 Chairs Discussed:
- Loss by Death
- Sickness
- Estranged
- Abuse
- Hope
More reading
Emotional Survival Guide for the Holidays | WebMD
How to Cope with and Heal Grief During the Christmas, Hanukkah, New Years and all the Holidays |
Dealing with Pain at Christmas | BibleTalk.TV
by Jeff | Nov 22, 2015
On this episode
Jeff Strommen @jstrommen | Dave Wager @wagerdaw
It happened again.
I heard something today and immediately knew that it had to be posted on Twitter. The likes and retweets affirmed my view and self-worth. And then I saw it: the annoying reply from those pesky Twitter trolls trying to steal my limelight. No way. I’ll show them.
New tweet. “Keep looking at me! I’ve got something important to say!”
Don’t worry. I know I’m not the only one. In a time where relationships and conversations have been pushed to social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, Instagram, Pinterest, Vine… (whew!), words have become cheap – essentially losing their effectiveness. It’s like someone handed out bullhorns and whistles at the DMV. There’s lots of noise, but what’s the point?
Jeff and Dave are back with some perspective on how to engage a world that creates noise, but goes nowhere. Check it out…
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Coming soon!
by Jeff | Sep 13, 2015
Did you know that financial stress is one of the biggest contributors to depression and hopelessness? Finances play a big part in our first-world life. Everybody can’t seem to get enough of the mighty dollar. Yet, it seems we often hear of someone with great wealth settling in bankruptcy court. Debt is crushing this generation of young people. Whether school debt or consumer debt, we’ve got a financial problem.
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The Notes
[Tweet “The problem with debt isn’t in what we’re buying, but the ideas we’ve bought into. #HNRTB”]
The only way out of debt is to begin to debunk the lies we’ve bought into that debt is necessary and unavoidable. Talk to Dave Ramsey. (Actually, he’s pretty fun to follow on Twitter)
Debt is a direct attack on financial margin. If every dollar you make goes toward expenses and debt, you leave nothing for the rainy days. Here’s the kicker – if you can work, you should work – and work hard at that.
We need to re-align our investments
Yes, I know I said a big word – investments. Every dollar you earn will be invested into something. What something is that? Well, for many it’s clothes, music, entertainment, fast food, more clothes, more fast food, and more entertainment. It’s put into disposable things – stuff that won’t last through the weekend. Those things in themselves aren’t bad. You need clothes and food. Many of us need to drive a vehicle to and from our job. A movie here or there isn’t terrible. But how comfy are you with debt? How much margin does your bank account have? Are you able to give to someone in need? Or have you already assigned that dollar to some kind of need/want?
What does the Bible say about money?
Jeff’s Thoughts
Truthfully, I’d be lying to say I have no debt. Most adults have a mortgage, car payment, student loan payment along with their monthly bills. So, to jab at someone who is living with debt is hypocritical and not my intention in this week’s episode. Where I see the issue is with credit card debt. Consumer debt based on credit must be squelched early and often. One credit card is all I need. I don’t need 15 different cards for my favorite stores, nor do I need a $10,000 balance showing up every month.
A great place to go to find help for getting out from under massive debt is Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University.
by Jeff | Jul 19, 2015
Prayer is one of the most misunderstood parts about the Christian life.
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The Notes
I thought this was an interesting post. Not everything that HONY puts out is something I agree with, but I thought the dialogue was interesting. For the most part, few people I’ve met in life actually have a problem with prayer. Some think it works. Others think it’s just wishful thinking that can help you get through your day or a difficult point in life. For many Christians, prayer is a very daily and very personal thing. And yet, I think it’s one of the most misunderstood parts of the Christian faith, along with the Spirit. But that’s for another day.
Couple that post with a post I found on Reddit this week, and it’s easy to see that there’s a great disparity about prayer.
Prayer isn’t so much about whether “it works” or not. It’s about aligning ourselves with God’s will. And sometimes, His will leads us through discomfort and pain, instead of sunshine and bliss. And when we understand that God is God and He is sovereign, it puts us at ease. He sees the bigger picture. When you spend time in prayer with God, it bends you to Him and it’s a beautiful thing.