#017: Recapturing Christmas

Christmas tree

This Sunday on HopeNet Radio, Jeff & Dave ask, “What does your Christmas look like?” Plus…

  • The Christmas Story – Luke 2
  • Thank you, Soldiers!
  • Intentional Christmas planning


Merry Christmas from the entire HopeNet 360 & HopeNet Radio team!

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#009: Christians are afraid of Halloween? #HNR

#009: Christians are afraid of Halloween? #HNR

#009: Christians are afraid of Halloween? #HNR

by HopeNet Radio | Podcast

Who’s on this episode?

Jeff Strommen @jstrommen
Dave Wager @wagerdaw

As I drive through neighborhoods this time of year, I see witches, ghosts, skeletons, black cats, zombies and pumpkins carved into monsters. Tombstones decorate front yards with white, fuzzy spider webs. Some are just downright spooky!

All the costumes and candy aside, this is a really dark time of year. And if we’re not wise, it can be downright demonic. Halloween is really not a Christian sort of holiday. You could make a case as to why Christians should not participate in it since it has such dark spiritual overtones to it. In fact, that argument has already been hashed out pretty well already. Dave and I want to take a different approach and ask questions that steer the conversation to talk evangelism. Spiritual things matter. Everybody is searching for answers to things they can’t explain.

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Show Notes

In day-to-day conversation, how often do you talk about angels or demons? Probably very little if you’re like me. Here are some good discussion starters for tonight…

+ What’s the big deal about Halloween anyway?
+ Why is our society enamored with dark spiritual things (ie. ghosts, witches, goblins, zombies, etc)?
+ How do we recognize demonic spiritual influence in our lives?
+ Should we even talk about such demonic things, for they could bring doom and gloom on us?
+ What does it mean to be spiritually superstitious?
+ How can Christians use Halloween to be evangelistic?

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Links from the show

CT – Halloween
Halloween and Leaving the Light On

BillyGraham.org on Halloween

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#007: Dear Me Letters

#007: Dear Me Letters

#007: Dear Me Letters

by HopeNet Radio | Podcast

Who’s on this episode?

Jeff Strommen @jstrommen
Dave Wager @wagerdaw

Tonight on HopeNet Radio, Jeff & Dave read your “Dear Me” letters and share their own. Plus, we’re opening up the conversation that will continue into next week about where all the good men have gone. Good men are hard to come by today. It seems every man is falling to pornography and addictions of all kinds. Many are hesitant to lead and are withdrawn from the family life. Something has to change. What does it mean to be a good man today? It’s time for our men to “man up” and realize our God-given responsibilities. Plus your emails, comments & tweets!

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#001: Stories: What’s Yours?

#001: Stories: What’s Yours?

#001: Stories: What's Yours?

by HopeNet Radio | Podcast

Who’s on this episode?

Jeff Strommen @jstrommen
Dave Wager @wagerdaw

HopeNet Radio debut show! Everybody has a story. We’ve all gone through struggles and some of us have been to hell and back when it comes to life situations. We’re not glorifying those events or maybe how we’ve handled it poorly tonight, but rather laying the foundation to what is going to be able to sustain you through any difficulty, failure, or seemingly impossible situation in life.

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Show Notes

Was there ever a time in your life where you lost hope? What happened? How did you find hope again?
Is hope essential to a person’s life? Why or why not?
Where do people find hope today? What gives you meaning to wake up every day?

Question, Persuade, Refer (QPR) Training

Nicolet Bible Institute

Silver Birch Ranch

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