Olivia’s Story

Olivia Wilson

Olivia shares her story battling depression and even talking about her struggle with suicidal thoughts on an episode of HopeNet Radio. Because of time constraints, we were only able to share part of her story on Episode #157 of the HopeNet Radio Podcast. But the entire conversation with her was remarkable that we thought you should have the chance to hear it, too.

If you or anyone you know struggles with depression or thoughts of suicide, please reach out for help. You matter. Suicide doesn’t end the pain; it only transfers it to the ones who love you, which are many more than you might think or believe at this moment.

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline – 800-273-TALK
CrisisTextLine – Text GO to 741741 to chat with a trained Crisis Counselor 24/7.
Crisis Chatline – Chat with a Live Coach 24/7

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#156: Initiate (Part 2)

#156: Initiate (Part 2)

#156: Initiate (Part 2)

by HopeNet Radio | Podcast

Who’s on this episode?

Jeff Strommen @jstrommen
Dave Wager @wagerdaw
Jason Kemper @kempster220

Jeff and Dave continue the Initiate series this week. This is all about looking at the building blocks of the Christian faith. It might seem odd to think about how you and I learn things. But check this out. We all learn differently. Our minds are so wonderfully made to absorb a vast amount of information. How we learn and what we learn about God matters in this faith journey. You might have even learned some things that were untrue about God and are working through unlearning them. Listen and share your thoughts.

Make each conversation count this week. You could save a life.

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Show Notes

Damascus Road | Recharge 2017 | Silver Birch Ranch’s 50th Summer!


cause (a process or action) to begin. a person who has been initiated into an organization or activity, typically recently.


Empty the Cup

One of the best ways to uncover what we don’t know is by asking questions. Great teachers do this so that they can teach the student something new. Today’s generation of young people are surrounded by noise and it is becoming increasingly difficult to process the information we receive. And the more points of information we open ourselves up to (ie. Internet, TV, movies, peers, social media and apps, smartphones, etc), the harder it is to hear the truth.

How can we resolve this before we all go crazy?


Ways We Learn

Read Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligences, which is a broader understanding of the primary learning types (visual, auditory, kinesthetic, and tactile – VAKT).

Which one do you primarily learn by?


When you study the Bible, use methods that work to your learning strength. If you’re stuck in a rut with your studies, change it up a bit. Try a different method.

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#156: Initiate (Part 2)

#155: Initiate (Part 1)

#155: Initiate (Part 1)

by HopeNet Radio | Podcast

Who’s on this episode?

Jeff Strommen @jstrommen
Terra Kay @terrakfree

Jeff and Terra Kay kick off a new series called Initiate this week. This is all about looking at the building blocks of the Christian faith. Terra shares her story about how she got into anti-human trafficking work. Happy 2017, too!

Make each conversation count this week. You could save a life.

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Show Notes

Become a Live Coach | Damascus Road | Recharge 2017 | Silver Birch Ranch’s 50th Summer!

Human Trafficking is the recruitment, harboring, transporting, obtaining or maintaining of a person by means of…

FORCE (rape, beatings, constraint, confinement, torture)
FRAUD (false, or deceptive offers)
COERCION (threats of serious harm; any threat intended to make victim believe that failure to comply would result in retaliation) for the purpose of a commercial sex act, or in which the person induced to perform such an act is under 18 years of age.


Human Trafficking is simply a politically correct phrase for what is Modern Day Slavery

Human Trafficking includes:

Sex Trafficking – victim forced into commercial sex trade against their will.
Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children (CSEC) – forced sexual services of children
Labor Trafficking – forced labor or services in Domestic Servitude, Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing, Construction, Factories, Service Industry, Hotels, Restaurants, Nail Salons and more.

Learn more.

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#154: It’s Christmas!

#154: It’s Christmas!

#154: It's Christmas!

by HopeNet Radio | Podcast

Who’s on this episode?

Jeff Strommen @jstrommen
Dave Wager @wagerdaw
Terra Kay @terrakfree

Christmas is here! For many, it’s a joyous time of year. But for many, it’s full of memories of pain, mistakes and regret. Jeff and Dave have put together a unique edition of HopeNet Radio that focus on the Christmas story. We hope to make your Christmas a little warmer, a little brighter with some of our stories and favorite scripture reading selections about the real Christmas story … Jesus’ birth. Enjoy.

Make each conversation count this week. You could save a life.

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Show Notes

Become a Live Coach | Nicolet Bible Institute | Silver Birch Ranch’s 50th Summer!


Welcome to a very special Christmas edition of HopeNet Radio. I’m your host, Jeff. Tonight, Dave and I wish you a very merry Christmas, the day we focus our minds and hearts on the moment that history changed for all humanity… the day God came to be with us.

For most of you listening to the broadcast, Christmas day is winding down. If you’re listening on the podcast, you’re probably fixing something made of plastic or returning gifts. Regardless, Christmas is a special time. And tonight Dave, Terra Kay and I hope to help you realize the joy that this day brings.

All too often, we get caught up in the whirlwind of gatherings, meals, gift exchanges, festivities, and the all-too-common clean up when all is said and done. Some of us are battling depression and an overwhelming sense of grief this year.

So, tonight, or whenever you find yourself listening to this show, we hope to make your Christmas a little warmer, a little brighter with some of our stories and favorite scripture reading selections about the real Christmas story … Jesus’ birth. Enjoy.

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#154: It’s Christmas!

#153: Getting Into The Christmas Spirit

#153: Getting Into The Christmas Spirit

by HopeNet Radio | Podcast

Who’s on this episode?

Jeff Strommen @jstrommen
Dave Wager @wagerdaw
Jason Kemper @kempster220

Many of life’s greatest gifts and pleasures cannot be wrapped. The Christmas Spirit is one of them. On this episode, Jeff and Dave share ideas and experiences that have helped put Christmas in the right perspective. Listen and share your thoughts.

Make each conversation count this week. You could save a life.

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