by Jeff | Aug 30, 2015
You’re likely about to enter one of the busiest weeks of your life. You might not even be hitting the books for another busy school semester, but you could be. Either way, the thought of tomorrow could be either energizing or terrifying. This week, Jeff and DW welcome back Todd (yes, that Todd!) to talk about what to do when you feel spread thin.
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The Notes
Have you been at a place where you feel like life is swallowing you up? Here are 3 ways to help you keep the joy through the chaos.
5 Tests to Determine If You’ve Forgiven Someone
by Jeff | Jul 26, 2015
Faithfulness comes down to knowing what to do and doing it, but often when that leads us to doing something that is uncomfortable or costs me something big, it’s easy to shy away and avoid the following through part. How can we stay faithful when we don’t feel like it? That and more on this week’s episode!
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The Notes
Coming soon…
by Jeff | Jul 19, 2015
Prayer is one of the most misunderstood parts about the Christian life.
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The Notes
I thought this was an interesting post. Not everything that HONY puts out is something I agree with, but I thought the dialogue was interesting. For the most part, few people I’ve met in life actually have a problem with prayer. Some think it works. Others think it’s just wishful thinking that can help you get through your day or a difficult point in life. For many Christians, prayer is a very daily and very personal thing. And yet, I think it’s one of the most misunderstood parts of the Christian faith, along with the Spirit. But that’s for another day.
Couple that post with a post I found on Reddit this week, and it’s easy to see that there’s a great disparity about prayer.
Prayer isn’t so much about whether “it works” or not. It’s about aligning ourselves with God’s will. And sometimes, His will leads us through discomfort and pain, instead of sunshine and bliss. And when we understand that God is God and He is sovereign, it puts us at ease. He sees the bigger picture. When you spend time in prayer with God, it bends you to Him and it’s a beautiful thing.
by Jeff | Mar 22, 2015
Once upon a time, in a far away land lived ladies and gentlemen. They were distinctly different from the boys and girls just turning 30 today. Might not be too far off from a future fairytale. But seriously, there are days that I wonder: what happened to raising men to be gentle and strong, and women to be pure and compassionate? Sarah Boes from More Precious Than Rubies (MPTR) is back with Jeff, DW and Jason to talk about this shift and give encouragement to the ones who feel that they might be the last lady or gentleman out there. This is for you! Let us know you’re out there on the TweetBack.
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Does too much praise turn kids into narcissists?
A recent study suggests it. Jeff and DW think they’re on to something. Do you think we should praise people for doing things they should do anyway – like brush their teeth? Somewhere along the way, we’ve learned to be needed instead of wanted. Being needed and being wanted are pretty different things. There are different rules
[Tweet “We always praised children thinking that it would make them more confident. #HNRTB”]
[Tweet “Ladies and gentlemen are not self-centered. #HNRTB”]
Links discussed
More Precious Than Rubies
A new study from The Ohio State University suggests that constant – and perhaps undue – praise for our kids’ tiniest accomplishments, or non-accomplishments, may have the unintended side-effect of creating an over-inflated ego. And this can have serious consequences both in childhood and later on in life. Read more
What are the characteristics of a gentleman? Chivalrous, courteous, honorable, realistic, polite, gallant, respectful, noble, and decent. Read more
Becoming a Proverbs 31 woman