#036: Real Life Moms
Tonight’s episode of HopeNet Radio is all about moms! Happy Mother’s Day to moms out there. Jeff, Dave, Kyle and Todd welcome Sandy Hartman to the show tonight to talk to a real-life mom about real-life challenges being a mom.
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Some rad things about Sandy:
She picked out her husband in a yearbook.
She has officially played Flappy Bird.
She always has a smile and her laugh is infectious.
She is a mom to kids of her own and is hosting a foreign exchange student.
Farewell, Kyle
Tonight is Kyle’s last episode with us. Recently engaged, Kyle will be moving back home to Illinois. It has been well-established that Kyle is a Bears fan, but regardless, we’re going to miss him on the show. Keep your ears peeled, he may make a cameo in future episodes. Gonna miss you, bro!
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