The Love Is series continues this week with the light topic of honesty. Honestly, it’s a huge discussion. Most of us have been disappointed by someone who has lied. Why is that? Does telling the truth trump being right? Join the TweetBack and add your voice!
Plus, we’ve got some exclusive interviews with some students who were at Winter Jam at Silver Birch Ranch. We chat about emojis, real life problems and struggles. It was a ton of fun getting to know them and we wanted to share part of the fun with you this week.
[Tweet “Love rejoices in the truth. #HNRTB”]
[Tweet “Get around people who love you and who are honest with you. #trust #HNRTB”]
Merry Christmas from Jeff, DW, Jason and the crew of HopeNet Radio! At the core of Christmas is this thing called joy. Yet, why do so many people act joyless during Christmastime? This week’s episode is all about experiencing true joy this year. Joy is an attitude that constantly needs maintenance.
Unilateral listening is all about hearing what you want to hear without actually listening to the other person. We’ve all done it. Someone is talking to you about something and all you can think of is what you’re going to say next. You’re not actually listening. You’re just thinking…
It’s All About Me
Self-explanatory. The truth is that it’s not all about you. But you already knew that…
The Rules Don’t Apply
Nothing frustrates leaders more than having someone under them acting in a way in which they think they can do or say what they want when they want. This generally doesn’t end well for the person who is stuck in this mindset.
Turning Concerns into Criticisms
This one can be tricky. See if you can catch the difference between the two:
Concerns are statements that focus on the qualities which are arising in the relationship which we don’t like or find harmful. “When you promise to take out the trash and then don’t do so, it makes it hard for me to trust you and I don’t feel supported in caring for this household.”
Criticisms are statements that focus on the choices the other is making which we don’t like. “When you don’t take out the trash as you said you would you are being immature, selfish, and lazy.”
Blaming Outcomes on Anyone Other Than You
The other is like it…
Blaming Others for How I Feel
Until you begin to take responsibility for your shortcomings and mistakes, you will constantly be miserable. Blame-shifting is not fair to yourself or to others.
Each of these attitudes robs us of our joy. It’s so, so, so easy to fall into them because by nature we’re selfish. You and I want it to be about us all the time. Joy comes when we take focus off of me and puts it on God.
Next week, we’ll spend more time on the adjustments we must make to be joyful.
Check this out!
With all the negative news about police officers lately, we thought this was a great story that will warm your heart. This is truly what living joyfully is all about.