#099: Leave It All Behind

#099: Leave It All Behind

Success. Failure. Tonight, it’s all left behind. It seems easy at times to look at our past and think about what coulda, shoulda, woulda… This week’s episode is all about leaving whatever is in the past there and reframing our lives to live for today.

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The Notes

Coming soon…

#072: Love is Honest

#072: Love is Honest

The Love Is series continues this week with the light topic of honesty. Honestly, it’s a huge discussion. Most of us have been disappointed by someone who has lied. Why is that? Does telling the truth trump being right? Join the TweetBack and add your voice!

SERIES EPISODES: Love is Patient | Love Is Kind | Love Is Honest | Love Is Hopeful

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Plus, we’ve got some exclusive interviews with some students who were at Winter Jam at Silver Birch Ranch. We chat about emojis, real life problems and struggles. It was a ton of fun getting to know them and we wanted to share part of the fun with you this week.

[Tweet “Love rejoices in the truth. #HNRTB”]

[Tweet “Get around people who love you and who are honest with you. #trust #HNRTB”]


For one day, decide to not tell a lie.
Did you take the challenge last week? Share your experience!


#033: Your dreams can come true

#033: Your dreams can come true

(Photo source)

Ever catch yourself daydreaming some days? What do you daydream about? Where do dreams come from? How can we know what they mean?

All great questions that we’re talking about on this week’s edition of HopeNet Radio. According to Wikipedia, dreams are successions of images, ideas, emotions, and sensations that occur involuntarily in the mind during certain stages of sleep. The content and purpose of dreams are not definitively understood, though they have been a topic of scientific speculation, as well as a subject of philosophical and religious interest, throughout recorded history. The scientific study of dreams is called oneirology.

What’s your weirdest dream? What kinds of things do you dream about? Or are you like DW who doesn’t?

Join Jeff, DW, Kyle and Todd on Cloud 9 for a fun and vivid conversation about dreams. Share your favorite or least favorite dream you’ve ever had in the comments below!

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#013: Life In Spite of Me: Kristen Jane Anderson

#013: Life In Spite of Me: Kristen Jane Anderson

lifeinspiteofmebookKristen Jane Anderson sits down with Jeff and Dave to share her story of tragedy and hope on HopeNet Radio. Kristen attempted to take her life at age 17, but God had other plans.

Overwhelmed by wave after wave of emotional trauma, Kristen Anderson no longer wanted to live. One January night, determined to end her pain once and for all, the seventeen-year-old lay across train tracks not far from her home and waited to die. Her story of surviving her suicide attempt is documented in her book, Life In Spite of Me: Extraordinary Hope After a Fatal Choice.

Parents, this is a good show to talk about with your kids.

Reaching You Ministries

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#001: Stories: What’s Yours?

#001: Stories: What’s Yours?

#001: Stories: What's Yours?

by HopeNet Radio | Podcast

Who’s on this episode?

Jeff Strommen @jstrommen
Dave Wager @wagerdaw

HopeNet Radio debut show! Everybody has a story. We’ve all gone through struggles and some of us have been to hell and back when it comes to life situations. We’re not glorifying those events or maybe how we’ve handled it poorly tonight, but rather laying the foundation to what is going to be able to sustain you through any difficulty, failure, or seemingly impossible situation in life.

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Show Notes

Was there ever a time in your life where you lost hope? What happened? How did you find hope again?
Is hope essential to a person’s life? Why or why not?
Where do people find hope today? What gives you meaning to wake up every day?

Question, Persuade, Refer (QPR) Training

Nicolet Bible Institute

Silver Birch Ranch

Share your story!

10 + 15 =