#127: Claim Your Campus & Don’t Let Go Campaign

#127: Claim Your Campus & Don’t Let Go Campaign

Who’s on this episode?

Jeff Strommen @jstrommen | Dave Wager @wagerdaw | Jason Kemper @kempster220 | Jeff Eckart @jeffeckart

What happens when 8 students take the challenge to pray for their school every day? Jeff Eckart from Never the Same shares how what began with 8 students has turned into a movement across America that is uniting middle school & high school students to love God and change the world in which they live.

Plus, we sit down with Bri and Lizzy to talk about the Don’t Let Go Campaign for Mental Health Month coming up in May.

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Show Notes


Bri and Lizzy sat down to share about the Don’t Let Go Campaign

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Don’t Let Go Campaign is a social media campaign based in Northeast Wisconsin that brings awareness around the issue of mental health. May is Mental Health Month. Listen to this week’s episode to hear Bri and Lizzy share their vision and like the page on Facebook.



jason jeff jeff eckart cycClaim Your Campus & Jeff Eckart

Jeff Eckart believes that this generation is our best hope for change. He is the CEO of Never The Same, a movement uniting middle school & high school students to love God and change the world in which they live through their faith in Jesus. His organization launched Claim Your Campus as a way to unite students.

Claim Your Campus is students meeting for prayer at their school on a regular basis throughout the school year. The goal of CYC is to have students praying every day on every high school and middle school campus in America. CYC is not affiliated with a certain group or denomination and welcomes all Christ followers from any church, background, or culture. CYC seeks to unite Christian students of all kinds and from all backgrounds in praying for their schools.

CYC is encouraging, equipping & uniting middle school & high school students to pray for change 1x a week on their campus.

Our strategy:
Encourage students to organize 5 weekly prayer groups (1 per school day)

Our mission:
Equip 1 million students to pray (15 per campus on 67,000 campuses)

Our vision:
Unite this generation for prayer and change (Learn more)

CYC Connect

Get the CYC app

National Network of Youth Ministries

#126: The Epidemic (Part 2)

#126: The Epidemic (Part 2)

Who’s on this episode?

Jeff Strommen @jstrommen | Dave Wager @wagerdaw | Jason Kemper @kempster220 | Jeff Eckart @jeffeckart

Today’s teens are growing up in a very interesting time in history. According to Dr. Robert Shaw, in his book The Epidemic: Raising Secure, Loving, Happy, and Responsible Children in an Era of Absentee and Permissive Parenting, far too many children today are sullen, unfriendly, distant, preoccupied, and even unpleasant. They whine, nag, throw tantrums,  and demand constant attention from their parents, who are spread too thin to spend enough time with them. Feeling guilty and anxious, the parents in turn soothe their kids with unhealthy snacks, faddish clothing, toys, and media.”

It seems, as parents, we’ve forgotten what children actually require in order to grow into happy, responsible adults.

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Show Notes

Join Dave Wager and men from all walks of life at Silver Birch Ranch’s Men’s Retreat this May!

Coming soon…

#126: The Epidemic (Part 2)

#125: The Epidemic (Part 1)

Who’s on this episode?

Jeff Strommen @jstrommen | Dave Wager @wagerdaw | Jason Kemper @kempster220

Today’s teens are growing up in a very interesting time in history. According to Dr. Robert Shaw, in his book The Epidemic: Raising Secure, Loving, Happy, and Responsible Children in an Era of Absentee and Permissive Parenting, far too many children today are sullen, unfriendly, distant, preoccupied, and even unpleasant. They whine, nag, throw tantrums,  and demand constant attention from their parents, who are spread too thin to spend enough time with them. Feeling guilty and anxious, the parents in turn soothe their kids with unhealthy snacks, faddish clothing, toys, and media.”

It seems, as parents, we’ve forgotten what children actually require in order to grow into happy, responsible adults.

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Show Notes

Upcoming event info: Join Terra Kay at Sisterhood Hope Conference on April 16!

Slavery Still Exists. Here. Now. In Your City. Featuring Harmony Dust-Grillo, a social activist for women trapped in the sex industry. Learn what you can do to make a difference. Register online

Join Dave Wager and men from all walks of life at Silver Birch Ranch’s Men’s Retreat this May!


Dads, chime in!


We referenced this video done by Masterfoods. Who would you most like to have dinner with?

Children need a firm moral center, the kind of anchoring that helps them pick appropriate friends, make the right decisions, and view others empathetically. Parents must help their child(ren) develop essential values like empathy, effort, duty, and honor.


father goals family

What we know is good for children:

  • secure attachment to a primary caregiver
  • a safe, structured, and ordered environment
  • lots of free time to exercise creativity and imagination
#124: The Daze After Spring Break

#124: The Daze After Spring Break

Who’s on this episode?

Jeff Strommen @jstrommen | Dave Wager @wagerdaw | Jason Kemper @kempster220 | Terra Kay @terrakfree


The hardest months for me (Jeff) came in the days and weeks after Spring Break. How do you get back into the flow of life when you’re just “done?”

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Show Notes

Upcoming event info: Join Terra Kay at Sisterhood Hope Conference on April 16!

Slavery Still Exists. Here. Now. In Your City. Featuring Harmony Dust-Grillo, a social activist for women trapped in the sex industry. Learn what you can do to make a difference. Register online

Join Dave Wager and men from all walks of life at Silver Birch Ranch’s Men’s Retreat this May!