Moment of Hope | Feb 18, 2014

Moment of Hope | Feb 18, 2014

Moment of Hope | Isaiah 55:9 – “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.”

I think most young people think this from time to time “my parents just don’t get it.” I know I thought that when I was in high school and wanting to listen to “cool” music and my mom didn’t approve. Or with clothes, when my mom would try to pick stuff out for me, I would say she just doesn’t understand what kids wear these days. And sometimes we have this mindset with God. We think, “God, I think you’re doing this wrong, I’m supposed to get this job, or I’m supposed to date this person, you should do it this way!” But we need to continually remember that His ways are higher than ours and He sees the whole picture, so He is right and we need to be able to humble ourselves and see the truth in His way of doing things.

God isn’t concerned about what is “cool” in man’s eyes. He’s only concerned about a right relationship with Him and our willingness to obey His Word. God knows what He’s doing. He only asks that we surrender our will for His. He’s older than you, smarter than you and loves you. You can trust Him today. It’s your moment.



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Moment of Hope | Feb 17, 2014

Moment of Hope | Feb 17, 2014

Moment of Hope | Proverbs 14:12 – “There is a way that appears to be right, but in the end it leads to death.”

Can you think of a time when you were completely lost? What did you do? How did you find your way back? When you’re struggling to hear from God, the best thing you can do is use the Map. Or better known as The Bible. It’s your moment.



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#024: If Those Who Reach Could Touch: Kristen Anderson

#024: If Those Who Reach Could Touch: Kristen Anderson

Kristen in Milwaukee

Kristen Jane Anderson returns to the show this week! Kristen lost both of her legs in a suicide attempt and now speaks to young people to tell of how God transformed her life. This week, Kristen had the chance to speak to over 100 students in Milwaukee. Check out her Facebook Page.

Kristen’s Website

Jeff & Dave also introduce you to Michael Ott. Originally from Pennsylvania, Mike graduated from Liberty University and serves as a youth pastor in Green Bay. Here are some random facts you should know:

– Mike is totally in love with his beautiful wife, Amber.
– Mike has a coffee addiction; and Starbucks is sometimes mistaken as his office.
– If Mike hears a basketball bouncing; he will be playing within seconds.
– He loves adventure and creating new life stories
– His desire is to always invest in people that are in his life for years, days, minutes.
– Every day, he’s looking to build a closer relationship with Jesus.

DSC_0467Check out Michael’s blog.

Jeff & Dave continue this month’s series, “If Those Who Reach Could Touch.” Every person is reaching for true relationships. Last week, we talked about reaching in the absolute wrong direction as we discussed human trafficking. This week is all about having traction. Join in the conversation!



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#022: Rediscovering Joy

#022: Rediscovering Joy

As we wrap up our series on having a Kingdom Agenda in 2014, we’re opening our mailbag tonight and tackling 2 very common questions we get. Check out the show and share your thoughts. Plus, meet us out the new Conversations Saves Lives Blog!


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