#026: Chuck Norris, Conflict & Fighting for the Truth

#026: Chuck Norris, Conflict & Fighting for the Truth

How we “fight” through conflict says a lot about who we are. Most of us have fought unfair and have used “facts” that were just not true. Dave enlightens us a little to what’s known as an anchoring bias. So, tonight, we’ve got some not-so-true facts about the one and only Chuck Norris. What’s the most bogus “fact” you’ve used in an argument?

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#025: Going through the fire

#025: Going through the fire

In the Bible, we read the story of 3 guys named Hananiah, Mishael & Azariah. Daniel 1 & 3 give us a picture of these 3 guys who are doing what’s right. These people from a new culture gave them these new names: Shadrach, Meshach, & Abednego. They weren’t trying to be mean, but if you’ve ever moved into a new city and had to make new friends, it’s not easy. This is an amazing story of 3 young men who weren’t willing to sell out who they were for God to be accepted into this culture.

It nearly cost them everything.

Jeff & Dave complete this month’s series, “If Those Who Reach Could Touch.” Every person is reaching for true relationships. Last week, we talked with Kristen Jane Anderson. This week, we’re deciding to reach through the fire. Join in the conversation!

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Moment of Hope | Feb 21, 2014

Moment of Hope | Feb 21, 2014

Moment of Hope | Romans 12:2 – “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.”

Many times, as we strive to fit in, we conform to the ways other people dress and talk and act so we can be considered “cool”. This can mean putting our morals and values aside to fit in. I know I did this when I was in middle school and high school. I would blatantly disobey my parents and lie to them because I was breaking their rules and going against what I knew was right. One time, a friend invited me over but my parents said I couldn’t go because I had to babysit my cousin. But they pressured me to come over, so I walked over there when my parents were gone. Once I had finally gotten to my friend’s house, I was only there for 20 minutes before my dad picked me up, and I was grounded for a month! But God says not to conform to these things, but that we should stand out instead. – Maria H.

The pattern of this world is always compromising what’s true for the lie. Compromise will eventually lead to hopelessness, depression and despair. But there’s hope! God says you can have your mind renewed or made new again. He has a good, pleasing and perfect will for your life. Get into His Word and let your mind be renewed. It’s your moment.



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Moment of Hope | Feb 21, 2014

Moment of Hope | Feb 20, 2014

Moment of Hope | 2 Corinthians 4:18 – “So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.”

Often, our perception of situations or events guides our choices. But we often don’t see things as clearly as we’d like. Take a book of optical illusions. At first glance, we see a bunch of wavy or straight lines that don’t look like anything. You have to change how you’re looking at the picture to see what’s really there. Life is a bit similar. We have a perception of reality and the way things ought to be. This passage is all about looking at situations through God’s eyes. He has a plan for all of it. Ask God to help you see things the way He sees them. It’s your moment.



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Moment of Hope | Feb 21, 2014

Moment of Hope | Feb 19, 2014

Moment of Hope | 1 John 2:15-17 – “Do not love the world or anything in the world. If anyone loves the world, love for the Father is not in them. For everything in the world—the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life—comes not from the Father but from the world. The world and its desires pass away, but whoever does the will of God lives forever.”

It’s really easy to love stuff in this world. TV shows, money, music, cars, relationships, video games. The list goes on and on. God is a gentleman, I think. Most would find it unacceptable if you dated or married 2 people at the same time, the same is true with God. He’s not going to fight for your attention and time. If you love the things of this world, it will make it difficult for you to love Him. He never wanted it to be that way. Decide today if you’re going to continue flirting with this world who’s just stringing you along always wanting more and never satisfying. Or love God. The choice is yours. It’s your moment.



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