#036: Real Life Moms

#036: Real Life Moms

Tonight’s episode of HopeNet Radio is all about moms! Happy Mother’s Day to moms out there. Jeff, Dave, Kyle and Todd welcome Sandy Hartman to the show tonight to talk to a real-life mom about real-life challenges being a mom.

Some rad things about Sandy:

She picked out her husband in a yearbook.
She has officially played Flappy Bird.
She always has a smile and her laugh is infectious.
She is a mom to kids of her own and is hosting a foreign exchange student.

Farewell, Kylekyle dave todd

Tonight is Kyle’s last episode with us. Recently engaged, Kyle will be moving back home to Illinois. It has been well-established that Kyle is a Bears fan, but regardless, we’re going to miss him on the show. Keep your ears peeled, he may make a cameo in future episodes. Gonna miss you, bro!


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#035: You Mad Bro?

#035: You Mad Bro?

Anger is an emotional response related to one’s psychological interpretation of having been threatened. Often it indicates when one’s basic boundaries are violated. Some have a learned tendency to react to anger through retaliation. Anger may be utilized effectively when utilized to set boundaries or escape from dangerous situations. (Thanks, Wikipedia.)

It’s normal to be angry, just not all the time. If you find yourself being angry a lot of the time, it’s time to talk. Chat with a coach.


Stuff Jeff & Dave talk about:

Is it wrong to be angry? Is it wrong to feel justified in  your anger? What are appropriate ways to display anger?

When do you get angry? What if I’m angry all the time?

When anger becomes destructive.

Passive & Aggressive expressions of anger don’t work

Being assertive.

Does prayer help with anger?

Dive Deeper

Galatians 6 says that if the Spirit of God is in us, we have self-control. Controlling our anger not only shows our character, it is a mark of faith. Here are some relevant articles that we found helpful.

Changing An Angry Spirit (Focus on the Family)

Control Anger Before It Controls You

Teaching Your Teen About Anger

Anger (APA)

Anger: What Works & What Doesn’t

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#034: That Sounded Better In My Head

#034: That Sounded Better In My Head

going-differentlyWe’ve all been there. Well, at least most of us have. We’ve made up excuses. We’ve told white lies. We’ve fabricated stories to cover our butts. What’s the funniest or worst excuse/white lies/fabrication you’ve come up with?

On the show tonight:

FACEBOOK PAGE VOTE: Do you like Peeps?

Share an excuse/lie/fabrication you used to try to save face that sounded good in your head and totally got you busted.

How should we give criticism?

How do we receive criticism?

When does criticism become destructive?

Do white lies really matter?

Should we always tell exactly what we’re thinking/feeling on the inside? Why or why not? Are there things we don’t tell people that maybe we should?

Is it ever too late to tell the truth?


Types of Lies We Tell

White lies, broken promises, fabrication, bold-faced lies, exaggerations, deception, plagiarism, compulsive lying. (Source) We lie to save face or shift blame. Those who lie rarely accept responsibility. That’s the whole point of lying. We always want the praise and responsibility for all the good things we do, but if we mess up, our sin nature is drawn to lie.


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#033: Your dreams can come true

#033: Your dreams can come true

(Photo source)

Ever catch yourself daydreaming some days? What do you daydream about? Where do dreams come from? How can we know what they mean?

All great questions that we’re talking about on this week’s edition of HopeNet Radio. According to Wikipedia, dreams are successions of images, ideas, emotions, and sensations that occur involuntarily in the mind during certain stages of sleep. The content and purpose of dreams are not definitively understood, though they have been a topic of scientific speculation, as well as a subject of philosophical and religious interest, throughout recorded history. The scientific study of dreams is called oneirology.

What’s your weirdest dream? What kinds of things do you dream about? Or are you like DW who doesn’t?

Join Jeff, DW, Kyle and Todd on Cloud 9 for a fun and vivid conversation about dreams. Share your favorite or least favorite dream you’ve ever had in the comments below!

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#032: Significant Moments

#032: Significant Moments

Tonight on the show, Jeff and Dave dig up an original radio broadcast from Jesus’ Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem that first Palm Sunday. Kyle and Todd join in our discussion about significant moments. Life is filled with moments that impact our lives forever, but we often don’t realize it. Whenever difficulty comes, it’s our nature to resist, deflect, or flat out run from it. Instead, God uses those moments to refine and build character. What are some significant moments in your life? Share them in the comments or connect with us on social media.

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