#100: The 100th Episode – A Look Back, A Look Ahead

#100: The 100th Episode – A Look Back, A Look Ahead

100 episodes.

That’s a lot of conversations. What an exciting journey this has been with you! We’ve got it all tonight: Peeps records, our favorite episodes of HNR, and a little of where we’re going in the next 100. Jeff, DW and Jason welcome Terra Kay and Mike Ott back to the show.

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Show Notes

Terra Kay is the Volunteer & Outreach Coordinator at World Relief Fox Valley. You can follow her on Facebook and Twitter. https://twitter.com/hopenetradio/status/650830332950921216 Mike Ott is the youth pastor at Graceway Fellowship in Green Bay. He’s got a million and one great youth ministry ideas and will be embarking on #dadlife here in the next week or two.

October 8 is Bring Your Bible to School Day.

Don’t forget about Fields of Faith on October 14.

#099: Leave It All Behind

#099: Leave It All Behind

Success. Failure. Tonight, it’s all left behind. It seems easy at times to look at our past and think about what coulda, shoulda, woulda… This week’s episode is all about leaving whatever is in the past there and reframing our lives to live for today.

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The Notes

Coming soon…

#098: Building Financial Margin

#098: Building Financial Margin

Did you know that financial stress is one of the biggest contributors to depression and hopelessness? Finances play a big part in our first-world life. Everybody can’t seem to get enough of the mighty dollar. Yet, it seems we often hear of someone with great wealth settling in bankruptcy court. Debt is crushing this generation of young people. Whether school debt or consumer debt, we’ve got a financial problem.

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The Notes

[Tweet “The problem with debt isn’t in what we’re buying, but the ideas we’ve bought into. #HNRTB”]

The only way out of debt is to begin to debunk the lies we’ve bought into that debt is necessary and unavoidable. Talk to Dave Ramsey. (Actually, he’s pretty fun to follow on Twitter)

Debt is a direct attack on financial margin. If every dollar you make goes toward expenses and debt, you leave nothing for the rainy days. Here’s the kicker – if you can work, you should work – and work hard at that.

We need to re-align our investments

Yes, I know I said a big word – investments. Every dollar you earn will be invested into something. What something is that? Well, for many it’s clothes, music, entertainment, fast food, more clothes, more fast food, and more entertainment. It’s put into disposable things – stuff that won’t last through the weekend. Those things in themselves aren’t bad. You need clothes and food. Many of us need to drive a vehicle to and from our job. A movie here or there isn’t terrible. But how comfy are you with debt? How much margin does your bank account have? Are you able to give to someone in need? Or have you already assigned that dollar to some kind of need/want?

What does the Bible say about money?

Jeff’s Thoughts

Truthfully, I’d be lying to say I have no debt. Most adults have a mortgage, car payment, student loan payment along with their monthly bills. So, to jab at someone who is living with debt is hypocritical and not my intention in this week’s episode. Where I see the issue is with credit card debt. Consumer debt based on credit must be squelched early and often. One credit card is all I need. I don’t need 15 different cards for my favorite stores, nor do I need a $10,000 balance showing up every month.

A great place to go to find help for getting out from under massive debt is Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University.

#097: Creating More Emotional Margin In Life

#097: Creating More Emotional Margin In Life

Burnout. The point of emotional emptiness. Is there a way to make it through life without giving up because of burnout? Creating emotional margin in your life is the first step. Jeff and Dave have some ideas and hope you will start to live with more to give.

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The Notes

When we are emotionally resilient, we can confront our problems with a sense of hope and power. -Richard Swenson, Margin: Restoring Emotional, Physical, Financial and Time Reserves to Overloaded Lives

[Tweet ” Life isn’t always smooth sailing. The bigger the upset, the more margin you need. #HNRTB “]
Emotional margin generally takes more time than physical or mental margin, but it should still be an important factor in what you undertake.

In the midst of it, I didn’t give myself emotional margin and tried to carry on as if nothing happened. That didn’t work, and I eventually shut down to essentials. And I didn’t handle those as well as I thought I did, either, which added to the stress and turmoil. Needless to say, none of my planned projects got done this summer.

Pace yourself better. Check out this post at the Simple Productivity Blog.


In order to be a good leader one must:

  1. Understand that there is a God and they are not Him.
  2. Understand there is a plan and it is not theirs.
  3. Understand that the real problem in life is sin and that I am the sinner and all I deal with are sinners and have the same problem and same solution.
  4. Responded to God’s invitation and accept His gift of life offered through His son Jesus.
  5. Understand that “time and chance” have more to do with success that skill, rhetoric and manipulation and that God is the one who controls the time and chance.
  6. Abide with God, Delight in His Word
  7. Desires to put flesh on the plans and desires of God.
  8. Desires to be put in a position to make others successful.

Leadership is really not an arrangement, it is a relationship. It is about following God and what is right and doing so in public. It is about making those around us successful

Forgiveness plays a big part in maintaining strong emotional margin

Have you ever noticed how much stress you hold on to when you choose not to forgive someone? Unforgiveness, resentment, bitterness… these all wear away at our emotional health until we have expunged it all. Here is a simple assessment from Ron Edmondson to see whether you have some unforgiveness eroding at your emotional margin.

The first thought test.

When the first thought you have about them is not the injury they caused in your life you have probably extended forgiveness. You should be able to have normal thoughts about the person occasionally. Remember, you are dropping the right to get even — the grudge you held against them.

An opportunity to help them test.

Ask yourself: Would you help them if you knew they were in trouble and you had the ability? Most likely this is someone you once cared about — perhaps even loved. You would have assisted them if they needed help at one point. While I’m not suggesting you would subject yourself to abuse or further harm, or that you are obligated to help them, or even you should, but would you in your heart want to see them prosper or would you still want to see them come to harm? This is a huge test of forgiveness. CONTINUE READING

Bottom Line

You need emotional margin. If you find yourself worn out and feeling like you’re on the verge of burnout, the best thing you can do is to go to someone you know you can trust and share these feelings. We don’t get to that point by accident. In fact, many giving people will neglect their own self-care because they’re so caught up in the pressing matters of another’s life. Take 15 minutes every day to assess your emotional margin. Are you giving too much? Are you not pouring into relationships enough and withdrawing? Balance in life is a fleeting pursuit. Instead, make each day its own. Routine is good. Setting up your day with emotional margin is also wise.

#096: When Your Life Needs Margin

You’re likely about to enter one of the busiest weeks of your life. You might not even be hitting the books for another busy school semester, but you could be. Either way, the thought of tomorrow could be either energizing or terrifying. This week, Jeff and DW welcome back Todd (yes, that Todd!) to talk about what to do when you feel spread thin.

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The Notes

Have you been at a place where you feel like life is swallowing you up? Here are 3 ways to help you keep the joy through the chaos.

5 Tests to Determine If You’ve Forgiven Someone