#010: Anger & Unmet Expectations

by HopeNet Radio | Podcast

Who’s on this episode?

Jeff Strommen @jstrommen
Dave Wager @wagerdaw

Today’s age is interesting, to say the least. Our American expectations for life are not only elaborate, but are often superficial and pointless because our pursuits turn out to be insufficient in the satisfying category. Our stuff we collect doesn’t really satisfy us and we end up bored and desiring of new things. Our youth are starving for affirmations that they’re looking in so many wrong places. This world will tell them anything – how sexy, smart, beautiful, strong they are. And we all fall for them because at the core, we really want those things. The reality is that these things the world sells us are often lies.

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Show Notes

English: American entrepreneur, author and pub...Instead of wondering when your next vacation is, maybe you should set up a life you don’t need to escape from. – Seth Godin

This is an interesting quote from Mr. Godin. After all, life is full of expectations. Disappointment comes when our expectations aren’t met. Naturally, our response is usually frustration, anger, sadness, or a combination of all 3. Tonight’s conversation is all about how to have healthy expectations in life.

+ Focal Points. Each family has spoken or unspoken focal points. An example would be a farming family whose livelihood centers around milking cows.
+ What is your family about?
+ Our expectations are shaped by our perspective. God has no perspective. He sees everything plainly.

Life is a shipwreck, but we must not forget to sing in the lifeboats. – Voltaire

The natural person does not accept the things of the Spirit of God, for they are folly to him, and he is not able to understand them because they are spiritually discerned. (1 Corinthians 2:14) There are things that God asks us to do for Him that don’t make sense to us. -Todd

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