Today, families are lost for answers as news spreads about the tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut. Here’s just one of the thousands of stories on the events from today.
So many emotions and thoughts roll through my mind as I try to make sense of this. Almost 30 lives are lost today. 30 families that will never be the same. 11 days before Christmas. Just gone. It all seems so hopeless. I feel so helpless. Emergency workers and first responders with images so ingrained in their minds that may never be healed.
Tragedies of this magnitude are impossible to understand.
So we try to make sense and express how we feel. Anger. Pain. Grief. Anxiety. All of these are normal human emotions that we experience. It shakes us to our core with a sense that all is hopeless.
Romans 12:21 says, “Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.”
That seems so impossible to do right now. When a man is shaken to his core, his true character comes out. We must not be overcome by evil. Therefore, we must choose the path to forgiveness and to healing. We must pray for this community. We are stronger together.
And believe that there is hope when all seems hopeless.
How are you handling the news of this tragedy? Has it affected you today? There’s a LIVE COACH waiting to talk to you right now.