Conversations Save Lives

The mission of HopeNet 360 always will be to connect generations to save lives. We hope you’ll take time to listen to past episodes of HopeNet Radio and be inspired by the stories and lessons Jeff & Dave have shared over the years. Our program has come to an end, for now. We are not sure what the future may hold. Thank you to all who have given in various ways over the years. The best is yet to come!


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Tell your Story

We’re collecting stories of hope from teens, moms, aunts, grandparents, young adults, doctors, survivors, fathers and everyone in between. Record a video of you sharing your story and send us a link to watch. Or simply add your story narrative in the box.

These can be stories of overcoming incredible odds after a very bleak prognosis or rekindling a broken relationship. Maybe you faced some impossible circumstances and someone came to your rescue just in time. We want to inspire this next generation with real-life stories. Your story could give hope to someone in their moment of darkness. Let’s share them!


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