#039: Ultimate Intentionality

#039: Ultimate Intentionality

Kristen Jane Anderson is back on the show tonight! Her book, Life In Spite of Me, and bio are available on her website. Tonight’s show is continuing our discussion from last week on living with intentionality. Living with intentionality is all about knowing and living out your purpose. If you have no purpose and no goals, life becomes monotonous, mediocre, boring, dull and we become apathetic to the world around us. We were not created for that kind of life!

In the 2nd half of the show, Bill Van Kirk joins us to share about Ultimate Frisbee Nights. Bill is the youth pastor at Spring Lake Church in Green Bay. He also chimes in and shares his perspective on living with intentionality.


Discussed on the Show

  • Scramble for Hope – come golf with Jeff & Dave
  • Jeff deleted his Facebook apps this week
  • “Unplanned time goes to your weakness.” Gordon MacDonald
  • Struggles with perfectionism
  • “If you aim small, you miss small.” Bill Van Kirk

Discussion Questions

  • When someone says “live intentionally,” what does that mean?
  • In what ways do teens live intentionally?
  • What barriers does our family have to living intentionally?
  • How do we remove those barriers?



We would really love your feedback! Share your thoughts in the comments below.

#033: Your dreams can come true

#033: Your dreams can come true

(Photo source)

Ever catch yourself daydreaming some days? What do you daydream about? Where do dreams come from? How can we know what they mean?

All great questions that we’re talking about on this week’s edition of HopeNet Radio. According to Wikipedia, dreams are successions of images, ideas, emotions, and sensations that occur involuntarily in the mind during certain stages of sleep. The content and purpose of dreams are not definitively understood, though they have been a topic of scientific speculation, as well as a subject of philosophical and religious interest, throughout recorded history. The scientific study of dreams is called oneirology.

What’s your weirdest dream? What kinds of things do you dream about? Or are you like DW who doesn’t?

Join Jeff, DW, Kyle and Todd on Cloud 9 for a fun and vivid conversation about dreams. Share your favorite or least favorite dream you’ve ever had in the comments below!

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#016: Vision for Your Life

#016: Vision for Your Life


“What is God’s vision for my life?”

Sixty seconds in one minute. Sixty minutes in one hour. Twenty-four hours in one day. 365 days in one year. One life to live. Have you ever thought about what your vision is for your life? Most of us would think about careers, starting family, what kind of car we’d want to drive, etc. But have you thought beyond the stuff and asked what my purpose is in life? When you do, the next question is always the hardest – how am I going to get there? Better yet, what’s the vision?

It’s easy to get caught up in what’s happening right now that we lose sight of the future. Or we never even consider where we’re going in life. Have you ever felt stuck in life with no direction or purpose? This show is for you!

I have made many mistakes along the way. Every one of us makes choices that we find leave us hurt and lost. Tonight, on HopeNet Radio, Jeff and DW sit down with Jake Spielbauer of Ignite Youth Ministries to talk about discovering God’s vision for your life.

Ignite Youth Ministries (Facebook | Twitter)


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